100% pressed juice : without added sugars, colorants or preservatives
For a natural and healthy diet, this pure pineapple juice only contains naturally occurring sugars in fruits. The premium Rotui is 100% natural, without added sugars, no coloring, or preservatives.
The Moorea juice fatory produces this juice of excellence from the pineapple Queen Tahiti (called Painapo in Tahitian), harvested from The Moorea island. Its heart is naturally juicy and vitaminized (A, B, C and Bromelain*) and its taste qualities are unanimously recognized. This variety was rewarded with the silver medal at the 2010 General Agricultural Competition in Paris.
(*)Bromelain, also called bromelase or bromelain, is a proteolytic enzyme extracted from the fresh stems and roots of pineapple. Pineapple is a bromeliad, hence the name given to this enzyme.
The virtues of pineapple:
Very juicy, rich in vitamins A, B and C, it contains a lot of potassium, magnesium and mineral salts. Stimulating for the body and very nutritious, pineapple is known notably to facilitate digestion.
Pineapple is very low in calories and, thanks to bromelain, can digest in a few minutes 1 000 times its weight of proteins. It is recommended to finish a very hearty meal with pineapple. Thanks to its disinfiltrating power*, it is recommended for diets to reduce water retention or cellulite.
(*) Disinfiltration is the other name of lymphatic drainage which allows the evacuation of wastes and toxins engorged in the tissues.
Ingrédients : Pineapple Juice, Vitamin C Antioxidant
Net Volume : 1L - Shake before serving - Store in a cool place and consume quickly after opening.